The country that I would llike to visit


Hi, everyone. My name is Gabriela Belmar, I’m 19 years old, and I would like to travel to England.

There are three reasons to choose this country. First, the language and of course the accent, because to me, is not the same listening to an American accent than a British one; I really love how British people talk and express. In second place, I would like to know more about their culture. And third, the landscape; I’ve seen so many beautiful pictures of so many different places all around England that I would do anything to visit them.

I know England it’s an important part of the United Kingdom, and it’s bounded on the north by Scotland. Also, I know they are ruled by monarchy.

What would I like to do there…? Well, there are a lot of things I would like to do there, for example, try every typical food and drinks, or learn about what they do on some important holydays.

 If you ask me if I would like to study, work, or live there, my answer to all these questions would be yes. I’d love to live out of Chile. There´s nothing to explain, I just don’t like the way Chile “works”, so, if I was given the opportunity to leave, and study, work and live in England, I would take that opportunity, even if it’s a little hard at first.


  1. I have the same opinion about accent. Eventhough I talk with a usa accent i thing the england accent is just lovely

  2. Gabriela, you read yourself very excited for England and their reasons as well, they read very safe. I hope you can make your trip and live there, greetings <3

  3. English accent is hands down the best. I hope you can accomplish your dream of living there and enjoy their culture!

  4. England seems like a great place to visit! If I improve my english skills I would love to visit it one day, there are some places that look amazing and aesthetically pleasing to the eye.


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