My future job

 When I picture myself in the future, I imagine myself surrounded by good and kind colleagues to work and to hang out on my free time with. Now, talking about my kind of job, I would like to work on the sustainable area, creating sustainable public spaces and energy efficient houses to the community, this way, I would be contributing to the society with my own skills and resources. I would like to be on the area of the social housing too, helping people and doing charitable projects for the neediest people, homeless people. I also imagine myself having a job where I can travel a lot, so I can learn from other countries, how the architecture works in there, and learn about some other sustainable techniques or strategies that I could apply here in the country. 

Something that I like about my career, is that it is very connected with the environment, so it is very related with being on the ground.

About my salary, in my opinion I do not ask too much, I want to earn enough money to live with my basic needs covered, but I would like to earn enough to buy my own house and ideally, my own car as well, this way I would be able to go out on vacations comfortably and take out my friends whenever I want to, that is all I ask for now.


  1. I think you have an amazing goal, the way you want to contribute to the society I think is admirable, I hope that you can do all of that in the future.

  2. I also like the social area to work, I hope we can find jobs with good work environments haha

  3. Ooh I thinks your idea is great, I love you idea of helping people who need it.
    ¡Sustainable up!

  4. Gaby! I love that you prioritize humanly conscious things, in the future maybe you can mix both, ecology and social housing, much success and greetings!

  5. more than create houses or big constructions i think is important make a change or something that makes you stand out as a person.

  6. sustainable area is very important,so go on and get it ! i hope you can fulfill your dreams

  7. Your goals are amazing, you came up with really good ways for contributing to our society, welfare and sustainability is something that we all must look out for.


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